Malayalam Dictionary is a free offline English to Malayalam Dictionary App which also shows meaning in Hindi and English with Synonyms, Antonyms, Word Examples etc.
♥ Specially for Malayalam people ♥
- Meaning in English Malayalam Hindi English .
- Works Completely Offline
- Easy, Fast and Accurate Search.
- Synonyms, antonyms and word formation examples.
- Search results exact match as well as suggestion match
- You Can hear proper pronunciation of English words.
- Light weight / Small in size with more words (100000+ words)
- Speech (Voice) to Search words.
- Search words by selecting from browsers or other apps.
- Learn English Grammer
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- 这意味着在英国马来亚印地文英语。
- 完全脱机工作
- 简单,快速,准确的搜索。
- 同义词,反义词和构词例子。
- 搜索结果精确匹配以及匹配的建议
- 你能听到的英文单词正确发音。
- 重量轻/小型与多个字尺寸(100000+字)
- 语音(语音)搜索词。
- 通过浏览器或其他应用程序中选择搜索词。
- 学习英语格拉默